Khneifis Phosphate to work again




The Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources rehabilitated the phosphate drying plant in the Khneifis mines in Palmyra and took off on a trial run, with a production capacity of 650,000 tons annually.

The plant is dedicated to the production of dried and concentrated phosphate in the Khneifis mine, with an annual production capacity of about 650 thousand tons, and work is underway to develop production to reach 850 thousand tons annually.

Phosphate is currently invested from two surface mines, Al-Sharqiya and Khneifis, which are located to the southwest of Palmyra at a distance of 45 and 65 km, respectively.

The annual production capacity of the two mines is about 3.5 million tons, which can be exported, the bulk of which is from the Al-Sharqiya mine “where a limited part of it is used internally in the manufacture of Phosphate fertilizers “Homs Fertilizer Factory”, the bulk of which is exported to several countries via the railway that connects the mines to the port of Tartous.

It is noteworthy that phosphate crude occupies the second place after oil and gas in terms of the economic importance of the natural resources in the Syrian Arab country, and its main deposits are spread in the Palmyra region

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